About Us
Michele Salomon, Luci Paul & Billa Rubenstein

Billa Reiss
We are self-taught cooks who delight in dinner entertaining and the creative processes that make dinners entertain. As neighbors in a small community in Staten Island we discovered our mutual interest and began to invite each other to dinner parties. With busy professional and family lives, we could never do dinners in Julia Child style. But, we realized that we could turn out dazzling dinners with fantastic food and eye appeal a'plenty. All it took was some imagination and basic cooking skills. Over the years and to this day, we have exchanged evenings of dinner entertainment, eventually working together to plan and carry out the dinners in our two books.
Retired professionals all, Luci and Billa hold Ph.D.s and were professors in the Psychology Departments of respectively, Temple University in Philadelphia and St. John's University in Staten Island. Michele worked as Executive Assistant to upper-echelon managers in major hotels and hospitals in the New York area.